Begrenzung vom Prompt

Zu Beginn war ein Prompt noch auf 300 Zeichen beschränkt. Diese Grenze ist jedoch längst gefallen und es sind viel längere Prompt möglich. Hier ein Beispiel mit insgesamt 715 Zeichen:

a breathtaking, ethereal girl with flowing, silken, golden hair that cascades elegantly down her back, framed by delicate layers of soft bangs complementing her luminous amber eyes that sparkle with warmth and mischief. She wears a fashion-forward, tailored crop top that expertly blends modern chic with a hint of bohemian flair. The scene is captured in vivid realism, enhanced by a subtle chiaroscuro effect in the dimly lit environment, casting gentle shadows that accentuate her captivating smile and highlight the unique contours of her face, evoking a magical, almost dreamlike quality. Surrounding her are faint glimmers of light that create an enchanting atmosphere, reminiscent of a whispering fairy tale.

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