minimaler Aufwand, gutes Resultat

Wie hoch wäre der Aufwand an solche Portrait-Fotos zu kommen? Seien wir ehrlich: er wäre sehr hoch. Vom Equipment einmal abgesehen fehlt uns dann immer noch das Model. KI-Tools sind diesbezüglich einfach ein Segen:

a (((highly detailed and realistic full body image))) featuring a (((stunningly gorgeous young girl))), with delicate, tanned skin and ((very long, light brown straight jet hair)), dressed in a ((white, short tank top, deep v-neck and wide front)). Her found face exudes a sense of serenity and elegance, with (((full kissable lips))), perfectly aligned and coordinated, and (((adorable eyes))). The image exudes a sense of crisp, full color and luxurious detail. ((She is smiling)) in a way that shows her best features.

((detailed, realistic)) ((portrait)) of (((cute and gorgeous))) ((long, straight black soft hair)) ((stunning)) a beautifully ((Persian teen girl)), 15 years old, bangs cut, angelic round face, ((black eye)) looks at the camera, perfect curved body, (wears a super short tight (black tank top) made of latex), white background, side view, ((no background)), cinematic dimmed light

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