wer macht die Realistischsten?

Unter den KI-Tools herrscht eine Art Wettbewerb, wer das realistischste Model hervorbringt. Dabei bedienen sich die Tools der Schwarmintelligenz der Masse, da tausende von Benutzern mit dem Model Fotos entwerfen und danach bewerten. Die KI lernt sozusagen auch durch ihre Nutzer:

a (((super realistic full length photo))), capturing a (((beautifully proportioned young well busty teen girl))) with luxurious, sun-kissed bangs and (detailed, hyper-realistic freckles) that perfectly frame her face, complemented by (perfectly white teeth) and a (tiny, yet incredibly defined v-neck on her short, tight tank top. The photo exudes a sense of (extreme clarity and detail), highlighting every aspect of her features. Her face is seen in a full-body shot, against a (sunny backdrop that perfectly complements her features). She is seen from a side shot, emphasizing her (striking beauty) and perfect proportions. The photo is seen in a (high-resolution, ultra-realistic detail), capturing the essence of a (super realistic moment)

a (((super realistic upper body photo))), captured from a (((young stunning and gorgeous well-busted Korean teen girl)) with long straight obsidian black hair, Korean style bangs, full lips, hyper-realistic eyes with perfectly matching pupils and white irises, a small flawless nose, and perfectly aligned and symmetrical front teeth

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